Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Shower

For the past eight months or so Chrissy has struggled with increased urinary tract infections, and bath tub issues that included slips,falls, and blood. Well, now let me say she now has a new shower - thanks to her son (the plumber)! This shower pretty much does everything but dry her off - okay, I am exaggerating. There is skid-proof flooring, a spacious seat, multiple hand rails within her range of reach, two shower heads/one hand held that is within her range of motion - and, these can work together or independently. Last night it was shower time; I had both shower heads turned on and strategically placed (or aimed), an aromatherapy vanilla-lavender tablet in the floor, and Chrissy some decaf ice tea. After she was in I ask how she was doing - she replied, “I can just sit here and do nothing.”   Thank you my sweet brother.
This photo does not do the shower justice.  It's larger and you can't see the other shower head or seat.  Anyway, it is very nice, and is big deal around here as keeping Chrissy clean will be much less stressful for both of us.

1 comment:

Louise said...

That's a great shower. Tell me more about these aromatherapy tablets that you put on the floor? Your words 'Thank you my sweet brother' nearly made me cry, as it's so good to hear of a kind, helpful brother/son, and my brother refuses to do a thing to help and never even phones poor Mum.